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Rules & Guidelines for Photographers:

•  First, and foremost, always treat the models with respect!

Our models work hard, and their efforts should be appreciated.  Treat them with respect at all times!

•  Do not touch the models at any time

Posing the models should always be done through verbal directions, and NEVER physically.  If you'd like a model to position her arm, shoulder, leg or any other body part in a certain way, always communicate with the model without any physical contact.  Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban from our group.

•  Do not ask a model to do anything she is uncomfortable with

You will be provided model profiles at the beginning of each shoot, which includes information regarding their restrictions and allowances.  For example, we'll let you know whether or not the model is comfortable with implied topless shots, etc.  We'll try to always make it clear in advance, but if the model profile isn't clear, it's permissible to ask a model once if she's comfortable with whatever type of shot you're desiring.  However, once the models rejects a request, please do not ask her again, nor should you demean her for her restrictions.

•  Do not bring wardrobe items for the model to wear

Each model brings her own wardrobe items that she selects based on our criteria.  Do not bring any wardrobe items for models to wear, unless it is cleared with the AGPG organizers.

•  Do not post any images on a model's social media page without permission

Never post any images directly to a model's social media page without permission from the model.  Sometimes a model just wants to be discrete about her modeling activities.  Usually, a model wants to be particular about which images she believes she looks best.  Your opinion may be different than hers, so it's best to just provide images, and let her decide which ones are posted directly to her personal sites.  You may, of course, post images to your own social media pages.

•  Use the AGPG model release, rather than your own

We advise models to never sign a release at our shoots other than the required AGPG model release.  The AGPG release is a non-commercial release with specific language which protects both the model and photographer.  If you want images that aren't bound by our release, we suggest that you hire the model for your own shoot.

•  Abide by the AGPG model release

We expect photographers to carefully read the AGPG model release, and to abide by its restrictions.  Violating the terms of the release is grounds for a permanent ban from the group.

•  Provide edited images to the models

You are expected to provide each model that you shoot with at least two edited images,  Ideally, you will provide more than two.  Some photographers prefer to send each model all of their unedited images, and to allow the model to select which ones she'd like to have edited.

•  Hiring a model for your own shoot is allowed and appreciated

If you'd like to hire a model for your own shoot, feel free to ask her.  Most of our models expect monetary compensation, since they have built their portfolios up to the extent that they do not accept "trade for images" shoots.

•  Respect the other photographers

You will typically be shooting each model in a group of 2 to 4 photographers.  Please work well with the other photographers, so that everybody has a good experience and gets great images from the shoot.

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